Dr. Christine Maren: Do I Need a New Year’s Detox?

We couldn’t agree more with Dr. Christine Maren and the importance of detoxification.

“Do you need a new year’s detox (or detox in general)? The answer is probably yes. I realize this may conflict with what many other physicians and medical professionals will tell you. After all, we’re trained that the body has built-in detoxification systems, which makes any additional detoxification practices unnecessary. However, after years of treating patients in traditional medical settings and now in my functional medicine practice, I believe nearly everyone can benefit from a regular, targeted detox program.”

In this article, Dr. Maren does a deep dive into why she recommends most of her patients partake in at least an annual detox, including:

  • Why most people need to detox in the 21st century (and probably should have in the 20th century too)
  • 7 signs you need a detox
  • Who should not do a detox
  • Why I typically don’t recommend juice cleansing, fasting, or trendy detox cleanse diets
  • How does detox work? Including the organs, systems, and 3 phases involved
  • What is the best way to detox your body?
  • My favorite detox supplements, including my go-to: Advanced PushCatch®, a science-based detoxification program
  • Info on how to join my New Year’s 2023 Advanced PushCatch Detox Program Challenge

Why Dr. Christine Maren recommends Quicksilver Scientific’s Advanced PushCatch® Detox System. Read the full article here.