Why Dry January® Isn’t Enough—Detox at the Cellular Level for Long-Term Health
New Year, New You!
Happy New Year! The holidays are over and many of us are feeling the “festive fog” of overindulgence and looking to kick off our wellness resolutions for the upcoming year with a detox or a cleanse.
January is always the perfect time to embrace a “New Year, New You” mindset for prioritizing health and wellness, and choosing a detox like Dry January® can help clean the slate, giving you renewed energy toward achieving balanced and vibrant health.
But is Dry January® really doing enough for your overall health?
The goal of Dry January® is to abstain from drinking alcohol for the entire month, thereby giving your body (especially your liver) a break.
And, like Dry January®, there are plenty of other detox and cleanse trends out there to choose from, all with potential benefits.
But are any of them really effective for long-term health?
Are they actually reducing the toxic burden our bodies are exposed to daily or are they just a quick fix—a temporary Band-Aid on the surface of a deeper issue?
What if you could detox your body at the cellular level, for longer, ongoing detoxification support versus a short-term flush?
If you really want to feel a marked improvement in your overall wellness, you need a Professional Cellular Detox.
What is a Professional Cellular Detox?
Cellular detoxification works with the body’s own systems to eliminate toxic buildup from deep within the body’s cells and tissues.
Unlike a basic juice cleanse or bone broth cleanse, which focus on just supporting the gut or a singular body system, cellular detoxification targets cellular health across the entire body, helping to pull toxins from the cells and then supporting elimination from the body.
Benefits of Cellular Detox
Healthy metabolism
Quality sleep
Support GI function
Enriched mental clarity
Supports mood
Key Differences in Detoxes & Cleanses
A cellular detox:
Works deeply to help remove the build-up of accumulated toxins from cells and tissue.
Offers a longer-term solution for overall health and wellness.
In contrast, Dry January® :
Is simply a month-long abstinence from alcohol—a frequent toxin in social lifestyles.
Primarily addresses the liver’s overuse from alcohol and doesn’t engage whole-body detoxification
And Juice or Bone Broth Cleanses:
Focus more on short-term digestive tract detox which helps reset digestion but lacks the deeper effect of a cellular detox.
Do not offer support to liver, kidney, and cellular health
Think of these cleanses more as a quick fix flush rather than a wellness resolution that will offer long-term health benefits.
Toxins in Our Modern World
Did you know Americans are exposed to approximately 80,000 chemicals every day just from their personal care products.¹ According to a survey conducted by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) back in 2004, Women alone applied 168 individual chemicals to their faces and bodies every single day!² Imagine what that number might be today with the massive influence of social media personalities and more access to beauty products than ever before.
Then, if you factor in environmental toxins like air pollution and other chemical toxins you can imagine just how toxic our bodies likely are.
And even being vigilant can sometimes backfire. For example, eating sushi and fish seems like a healthy choice—and it is—but did you know if you consume it every day you could very well be ingesting high levels of toxic mercury?³
8 Signs Your Toxic Burden is High⁴
Excessive fatigue
Persistent headaches
Skin Issues
GI issues such as bloat and gas
Bad breath
Brain fog and concentration issues
Mood swings and irritability
Frequent illnesses
Sensitivity to certain smells like candles and perfumes
Unfortunately, basic cleanses can’t eliminate the toxic burden our bodies accumulate over time. But a Professional Cellular Detox is designed to do exactly that! It’s a detox that will promote more balanced energy, mental clarity, and overall health and allow your body to perform the way it was designed.
Detox At a Cellular Level for a Future of Vibrant Health
Whatever your wellness goals are for the New Year, reducing your body’s toxic burden is the best way to achieve vibrant health. Because let’s face it, a toxic body simply isn’t going to have the energy to fully embrace and carry out that journey.
Detox your body at the cellular level and achieve whole-body health and wellness for the New Year and beyond!
Cheers to better health, resiliency, and long-lasting vitality.
NY Health Foundation. (2018). Facts Sheet: Potentially Toxic Chemicals in Personal Care Products. https://nyhealthfoundation.org/resource/fact-sheet-potentially-toxic-chemicals-in-personal-care-products/
Environmental Working Group. (2004). Exposures Add Up – Survey Results. https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news/2004/12/exposures-add-survey-results
Lloyd III, W.C. (2022). Understanding Mercury Poisoning. https://www.healthline.com/health/mercury-poisoning#What-is-mercury-poisoning
Cesarotti, C. (2023). Warning Signs That Your Body is Full of Toxins. https://mdlifespan.com/warning-signs-that-your-body-is-full-of-toxins/